Handle CATS like a pro.
Regardless of the type and magnitude, disasters happen.
Are you ready for your next CAT job?
We put this package of 5 templates together to help restorers prepare for the next emergency, in advance.
In it you’ll find:
- A Standard Toolbox Checklist - every tool you could ever need, so you don’t forget anything.
- A Contingency Plan - so you’re ready to go, and your team is on the same page, even before disaster strikes.
- A Process Worksheet - the necessary steps you should take before, during, & after a large loss, all laid out.
- A People Worksheet - so you can clearly define the roles and responsibilities of your team members/ external service providers in the event of a CAT, and execute.
- An Initial Customer Call Script - our First Notice of Loss script for the call intake process, to help guide you through your conversation with the customer.