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October 15, 2021

Room Notes can be more than just text

Why use the Room Notes feature in Encircle?

Field documentation before, during, and after a job is a best practice to follow on any job. By capturing important job details, restoration contractors and other stakeholders can keep claims processes moving forward with transparency.

Within Encircle, the Room Notes feature was developed for users to digitally document important details or instructions about a room within a claim, eliminating the use of pen and paper. Room Notes are organized chronologically, contain a time and date stamp, and are labelled by user. When they’re used in a report, they can provide helpful context for a claim.

A picture is worth a thousand words

By combining photo and video notes together with text notes, we are making it faster and easier to document a room.

With just a couple of clicks, you can use photos, videos, and text within a room to outline important details to keep the job on track. With notes all in one place, information stays more organized and anyone with access to the claim can view the notes in real-time from the field or the office. For example, if you’ve identified sentimental items in a room, you can create a note to handle with care. Or if you see pre-existing conditions in a room when you arrive onsite, you can note those with photos (that will be date and time stamped), protecting your team against any false claims of damage.

Room Notes - Encircle Mobile



Room Notes - Encircle Web

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Further Reading on Encircle Room Notes

Using Encircle Notes on Mobile

Using Encircle Notes on the Web


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